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Paperazzi: How Sisson Scaled Their Unique Parchment Paper Products on Amazon through Xena and Grew Sales By More Than 45%

Customer :


Industry :

Home Decor


Monthly Sales Growth




New Product Launches

Sisson Distribution specializes in finely decorative parchment paper inspired by French tradition, perfect for enhancing the presentation of cheese, charcuterie, and baked goods.

Through Xena's innovative strategies, Sisson Distribution saw a significant boost on Amazon, with a 45% growth in sales. Xena's approach centered around enhancing Sisson's unique parchment paper products' visibility and appeal. By optimizing Amazon PPC campaigns, Sisson achieved an 8X return on ad spend, driving higher profitability. Additionally, Xena's insights led to the launch of four new products, further expanding Sisson's market presence and solidifying its brand in the home decor space on Amazon.


Coping with Algorithm Changes: The continuous updates to Amazon's search and recommendation algorithms may have made it challenging to maintain visibility consistently.

Competitive Market: Differentiating in a saturated market of pet supplies and outdoor gear could have posed a significant obstacle.

Establishing Customer Trust: Persuading customers to try a new tick removal method instead of well-known brands or traditional approaches might have been difficult.

Managing Reviews: Garnering and upholding positive reviews, crucial for success on Amazon, likely demanded significant attention.

Addressing Fulfillment Challenges: Managing timely deliveries via Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) could have brought logistical hurdles, especially concerning inventory control.

Controlling Advertising Costs: Juggling the expenses of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns with their impact on sales could have been a delicate task, particularly within Amazon's competitive advertising environment.


“XENA's commitment to creating a unique and meaningful alliance has been deeply satisfying and instrumental in shaping our Amazon presence from the ground up.”


Enhanced Product Visibility: Xena's tools optimized Sisson's product listings for Amazon's search algorithms, improving their ranking and visibility.

Targeted Advertising: Utilizing Xena's data analytics, Sisson could more effectively target their ads, leading to a higher return on ad spend.

Marketplace Expansion: Xena's insights and strategies facilitated Sisson's expansion into new marketplaces, broadening their customer base.

Customer Engagement: Xena's customer relationship management tools helped Sisson build stronger connections with customers, improving retention and trust.

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